The New Patented System that's Challenging the Old Ways of Tracking Success in Hollywood!

The New Patented System that's Challenging the Old Ways of Tracking Success in Hollywood!
For analysis booking & other inquiries, email All correspondence strictly confidential.

Our Unique and Patented Data-Based System in Determining Star Value Results to a Most Object and Wholistic Star Value Rating that is Useful in Guiding Crucial Career Decisions for Artists as well as Making Enlightened Business & Campaign Strategies for Films, TV shows, Ads and Other Pop Media Projects

Learn the Principle of the Star Value Cycle then Answer the Question: "Where is Your Star* in the Cycle?" *Pop Media Artist, Film/TV/Ad project, Company

Our System Recognizes that Different Levels of Star Value Provide Different Challenges and Rewards.

About #StarValue

Star Value Analysis and Enhancement Consultancy Service

The image below is called the 'SuperStarValue Cycle' created by Pop Media Creative-cum-Strategist Ramon E. Bayron using the principles of the 'StarValue Rating System.'

The four colors in the cycle represent the four complete stages that a pop media artist's career would go through in its lifespan.

The Four Phases of Star Value:

An artist in the YELLOW ZONE has the 'star value' of a 'Rising Star.'
An artist in the RED ZONE has the 'star value' of a 'Top Star.'
An artist in the BLUE ZONE has the 'star value' of a 'Superstar.'
An artist in the GOLD ZONE has the 'star value' of a 'Seasoned Star.'

How the SuperStarValue Scoring System Works
StarValue Assessment for any star, film, tv show, ad campaign and others undergo three (3) major steps:

1) Gathering of all available and related data specific to the subject (star/film/tv show, etc)

2) Distribution of data under different areas which SuperStarValue has determined to concretely contribute to 'Star Value'

3) Learned evaluation and objective grading of data under each area.

In the final process (grading) StarValue scores and uses the following symbols to determine Star Value:

1.0-1.99 points =

Rising StarValue (Yellow Star)

2.0-2.99 points =
Seasoned StarValue (Gold Star)

3.0-3.79 points =
Top StarValue (Red Star)

3.80-up points =
SuperstarValue (Blue Star)

The result is an objective, systematic and verifiable 'Star Value.'

WHO needs to get an objective 'Star Value' analysis andWHY?

1) For Stars who belong in any of the following categories:

a) Rising stars - new and not-so-new talents who are just recently getting "the limelight" (e.g. appeared in a 'reality show', landed a major role in a major film/tv project, introduced/endorsed to the public by an established star/popular celebrity, etc) and want to get a fair assessment of their chances of really making it in the business in the long run and rise above the "sea of tough competition from equally determined wannabes."

b) Seasoned stars - for stars who have experienced the "highs and lows" of their career in the business and want to either reinvent themselves and attain a new 'high' or just sustain their current stature and prevent it from falling into oblivion.

c) Top stars - for stars who are reaching the peak of their careers and realize that an objective view of their starvalue would be healthy to keep them grounded and more importantly, sustain their top star status for the longest time possible.

d) Superstar - the highest position is also the loneliest position in the hierarchy of stars and its challenges, concerns and demands are far more unique than the rest. To say that anobjective starvalue assessment is important is an understatement but only a superstar would really understand it to be true.

If you fall into any of the above-mentioned categories in the SuperStarValue hierarchy of stars, then it could prove to be a serious Mistake if you only choose to listen and believe anything and everything that your fans, friends, supporters and even fortune-tellers tell you about the current and future state of your public career.

2) For PRODUCERS (film/television) who want to get an objective assessment and/or improve their projects' box-office (for movies) or program ratings (for tv) potential.

Often, more than the stars themselves, it is the producer who faces the biggest risk by the sheer virtue of their oftentimes multi-million investment for every film or television project. It may prove to be unsound business practice if the success or failure of the said multi-million investment is dependent only upon the whimsical practices prevalent in showbusiness or worse, if You, the producer begins to believe in in Your Own Publicity!

3) For ADVERTISERS who want to get an objective and learned analysis of the effectiveness of their ad campaign and the celebrities that endorse their products.

4) For Other similarly situated STAKEHOLDERS

Let the facts speak for itself and the numbers reveal a more verifiable and objective Star Value of Your Star (actor/product/project) before you make major decision and/or multi-million investment.

No more 'hunch' or 'second guessing!' In the high stakes and 'cut-throat' competition environment of pop media entertainment, It Pays to Know Your Value.

Because Showbusiness is Serious business.

Be Informed. Be Objective. Get a 'SuperStarValue' analysis today!

For inquiries email:

All correspondence are handled with the highest level of confidentiality.

Where is your "Star" in the "SuperStarValue Cycle"?

If you have determined that your 'Star' is in the 'Yellow Zone', How can your 'Star' enter the Gold Zone?
If you have determined that your 'Star' is in the 'Red Zone', How can your 'Star' remain in the Red Zone for the longest possible time? 
If you have determined that your 'Star' is in the 'Blue Zone', How can your 'Star' remain in the Blue Zone for the longest possible time?
And finally, How can you delay your 'Star' from entering the Gold Zone?

The "SuperStarValue Career Analysis and Enhancement System" is developed to give You- the Star- the all-important Objective and mostly Data-Based Analysis on your Current and Future 'Star Value.'

An objective evaluation of a celebrity's 'Star Value' is almost impossible to get because of the very nature of the showbusiness- where the 'star' is surrounded by hopefully well-meaning and well-informed friends and supporters and secluded from the 'outside world.' 

This 'supported seclusion' is almost always the cause of most celebrities diminishing 'star value.'

Thus the need for an Objective and Verifiable, Data-Based and Educated Analysis of 'Star Value' and only SuperStarValue is Exclusively offering a system that gives just that- currently available only to select celebrities, media personalities, producers and other stakeholders in pop media.

So next time you want to know where your status is in the hierarchy of stars, if you really want to know your 'Star Value', contact us for a Strictly Confidential appointment.

Finding out your current 'star value' may just determine your future 'star value', and in the fast-pacing, highly competitive world of showbusiness- that Future could start sooner than your director could say 'Cut!'

Created by: SuperStarValue®
Developing Stars of value. Enhancing the Value of stars.

For inquiries, contact SuperStarValue® via or call/sms 09162528495 

All correspondence are treated with utmost confidentiality.

Ramon Bayron, creator of the SuperStarValue Rating System, the SuperStarValue Cycle and this blogsite is a graduate of the Asian Institute of Management: Managing the Arts Program

No Copyright infringement intended. Photo is owned by the Asian Institute of Management/Managing the Arts Program

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